Tag Archives: new beginnings

An ode to 2015…thank F its over!

As I sit here enjoying a beverage and listening to tunes on this, the last hour of 2015, I am reminded of what a roller coaster ride I’ve had over the last 12 months. Sure, I’ve had some freaking awesome moments, but the downhill slopes that have been traversed this year, put into perspective everything that has made me who I am, this very moment in time.

A phone call, 30 minutes to midnight on the eve of 2015 should have been a warning sign as to what was in store this great year. Now I say great in a way a teenager says okay, its just a word and conjures up no feeling at all. I could honestly say that its been a fair amount of life changing moments that literally rocked my world, this being the first of many wher Master J was involved.

We were at a friends for New Years, playing the really horrible card game “Cards Against Humanity”. It really challenged me to play this game, especially with the cards I had in my hand! But we played, drank and were looking forward to bringing in the New Year, with joy, friendship and hope for a great year ahead. Little did we know this would be short lived.

At about 11.30pm, I get a call that changes our mood, our whole night and world turned upside down. Master J decided that fighting with his best mate would be a good thing! Boys is all I could say…

So that turned into no birthday party for him and what would become a year full of holy crap moments.

Then came the start of the school year, Master J was excited to start in a sports program, then we got a call, he’d fucked up in no uncertain terms within the first week! This was followed by weeks of appeals and interviews and back on the program! Yay, or so we thought, this would be short lived….again!

So then we got him into a pre-apprenticeship in Automotive body building which was a positive thing.

Things seemed to taper out on that front which gave us some peace, for a time. Then things started to heat up in my family, court proceedings and a sister out of control and addicted to Meth left me feeling like I was failing my mother in some way. It didn’t go the way it should have and a chasm  had opened up in my sisters and my relationship. It was  inevitable, I could see it coming but I was powerless to change the direction of her life, as much as I wanted to, it was hers to decide.

Then came being kicked out of a church at a funeral, yep, that’s right, being turned away from the house of god. It was a complicated sitaution and I was caught in the middle, taking the fall for another’s action. The whole idea of family being flung out the window like a frisbee, words that can’t be taken back and nor do I feel I have to. My Dad was lost to me and my step-mother proved the fable of Cinderella true, some people are just nasty.

So I had to really look at my life and relationships with my immediate family and work out what it is I can do to keep the peace, at least I think that’s what I’m supposed to do. Who else can be the glue our family needs when our mother is no longer here to serve that purpose.

I take on the guilt and feelings of inadequacy and realise I can’t sacrifice my happiness for those that don’t reciprocate, so I tried to let it go.

A  high point was my wonderful daughter, Miss E’s 18th birthday. What two freaking awesome parties. She wanted a family do and a friends “gathering” and she got it. The only downside was a dick of a boyfriend who had very little respect my little girl, I was only too happy to see the tail end of him!

We were cruising for a while, Master J got his apprenticeship and Miss E was of age and suddenly became more like a mid week resident! I so loved that age, going out and exploring the world. Things seemed like they were falling into place.

Then events beyond our control gripped us in its clutches, death of friends, losing my job and loss of an apprenticeship, yep Master J strikes again.

The death of the boys and serious injury to the other driver completely engulfed a community that spanned most of the southern river corridor. This was perhaps the most heartbreaking time of my life, watching my son in pain and knowing he’s no-longer a little boy of 8, that death would affect him like an adult, not like a child. His emotions, already in turmoil because of puberty, made him change, made him re-evaluate life.

The funerals came and went but one incident will always stick in my mind, after the brothers funeral, which resulted in another call for help, Master J was going  three for three at this stage! Needless to say he has to keep his nose clean and I so hope it stays that way. 

I was then honoured to making the 21st Birthday cake for my best friends son, I had done her daughters only two years ago and this was my gift to him. This was a high point, I was at a point needing to find myself and realised I wasn’t so bad at this, execpt I really needed a reliable oven, thankfully one of my Xanadu besties offered her Bosch for me to use, lifesaver!

Then came interview after interview with no real prospects in sight, an employnent agent who barely worked for me and one who I would almost expect to be the type who’d run in front of a bus to get you that job. She was fan-freaking-tastic and you’ll find out soon enough.

Master J got a job working for a friend as a plasteres labourer, he truly had a knack for his fathers trade and was doing well. Apart from me not having a job, things finally felt like we were at a calm and hopefully more positive end to the year coming up.

Miss E found a new man, one that would be a positive for her, a stabiliser and someone who made my little girl happy. It was long overdue!

I started teaching, which was an experience and a joy, I truly loved sharing my knowledge and guiding that next generation of Customs Brokers through one of their first courses in the Diploma. I am looking forward to 2016 because of this! 

So still no full time job, I get offered part time work in a cafe/gourmet food mart, I truly loved this and I’ll never forget my first day, it was the day Master J got his moped license and crashed his bike, resulting in an operation to clean the humerous bone that had come through the skin when he hit the rear end of a mate’s ute who stopped suddenly. Yep, number four….

So that was 6 weeks before Christmas, he still has another three weeks before any chance of getting back to work. I had finally, just a week before Christmas, been told of a potential real deal job. That and the fact I had found out there may be an opening had my my gal ring me and ask if she could put my name forward, I jumped at the chance. After all, I actually really thought the idea of this company was one I could work for. I had noticed them after leaving a job interview earlier that year, I felt a vibe, a good one. I’m learning to trust these feelings more.

So after that first interview, two days before Santa visited, I was basically offered the position conditional on interview number two. Last night I recieved the offer in writing and I accepted without hesitation, this role is going to give me a broad scope of work, one I hope will see me through to long service.

So as I close this year off, Miss E is at Origin with her BF and Master J broke his phone about an hour ago and rang from a friends phone to tell me that, and that he loved me. Miss E is probably rocking it to some R&B rhythym, I’ll probably get another call from the boy, and I am finally content and at peace.

So adieu 2015, you’ve given me joy, tears, love, loss and everthing in between. Hello 2016, the year of the Monkey and hello to 40!

So until next year, my fellow bloggers, stay safe and remember the rear view mirror is smaller for a reason…

Ciao bella’s xxx

The Finale….Day 31!

What a quick ride through the deepest recesses of my mind and of my life and here we are, at day 31, the final day of my blogging challenge to get my mojo back on. Well, it’s worked, I’ve loved getting back into writing and I’ve even begun seriously studying again. The cogs are turning and I’m learning to live for me again, something I haven’t done in many, many years.

So, how do I end my challenge, with a Quick salute and a brief glimpse into my future dreams, do I tell to the minute detail of every wish, hope and goal I have. No I think today is an awakening of sorts, kind of like the realisation of what was there all along.

Today, I finish my journey, I have travelled this road for a good month now, I’ve yet again completed something that I am proud of. I’ve dished some dirt, opened the realms of my mind and heart to the world and Along the way, I’ve found myself again,this time 20 years older.

So I’ve thought long and hard, it has been easy with so many hours in the   day, and I’ve realised my goal is to impart knowledge, learn more and be happy. I want to wake up smiling, which is getting easier each day, I want to enjoy what do, writing does that to me. I know my goals are to be able to work in slippers and PJ’s and I think I might just be able to do that. I have a few plans, that need a little more research but I think for the first time in my life, there are many doors open to me. I just have to go out and look for them instead of waiting for them to come to me.

This project of mine, has also given me a taste for many different ideas on how I want my blog to go forward, I guess in all honesty, that was the true purpose. To open my mind and create something new. The plans for this blog going forward are taking shape, I’m keen to show you all in the coming days and weeks. 

I’ve loved sharing tidbits of my life, experiences and memories with all of those who’ve come across my blog. One thing is certain, is that with every new person, I get the chance to explore their world too, I love the new blogs that I’ve encountered along this journey and they’ve helped me with the direction I want to go.

So my ultimate dreams, goals and aspirations – to Create something special! To live a full and happy, healthy life. To share my knowledge and to not be scared to try something new. Life is a journey, we determine the stops and crossings, we pave our own way and my 31 Day Blog Challenge has given me the foundations of something beautiful ahead.

I honestly thought it would be a struggle but each day has been easier, I’m becoming more disciplined in my approach to writing and I feel that I can continue to finish my second book, something that’s been laying dormant for about 10 months. In reality, my main writing goal is to publish my book. The editing and formatting to e-book is timely but I am hoping that within the next couple of months, it will be ready for the world.

I guess to finish off, my ultimate aspiration is to be financially secure however I see this goal as one that requires work, you can’t get something for nothing and lotto life is not a realistic goal (although I still try my luck!). So I will work towards this goal, I know when you are on the right path, it will come naturally so, I’m off to find that path, plan for the future and realise my dreams.

 As I leave you this last day of winter, spring is just ahead, new beginnings lay in wait for those that seek it out and my challenge is complete!

Thanks for coming on this journey with me, it’s been a rewarding experience and thanks to my new followers, I’ve hit my first milestone because of you all! 

So check back in occasionally, see what’s new and until my next moment of madness….ciao xx